Category: Solar Energy

10kw Solar System Helps To Save Electricity Bills

Opera Solar is proudly Australian owned and operated company that provides renewable energy solutions for homes and workplaces. We offer renewable energy solutions by offering a10 kW solar system for residential and industrial sectors. Why Should I Choose a 10 kW System? The most common question we

Hybrid Solar System Sydney

What is a Hybrid Solar System? Typically the word hybrid dictates to two sources of power production with a backup generator and solar but in the solar world we preferably use the term hybrid to focus on the blend of solar as well as energy conservation

Mistakes While Choosing Solar System

Do Not Make These Mistakes While Choosing Solar System! Before buying a solar system, here are some facts to consider and a few points customer needs to consider. Even if you have done research there are some facts about your solar system that you are not

Buy Quality Buy Once, Buy Cheap Buy Twice!!

A good solar install is comprised of 3 things: 1.Experienced installers2.Installation skills3.Installation with roof care But most of the installers in this industry lack all the above-mentioned quality. There are high chances that you might have to fix a leakage on the roof due to poor

Industry Best Solar Panel Installers

Are you looking for a trusted solar panel installer in Sydney ? Do you want to produce your own electricity and reduce your power bill by 80% in the first quarter! The cost of the electricity is rising day by day, install a solar system from

10 Reasons To Choose Us

Why people Choose Opera Solar Energy Start you journey with us and enjoy our latest offers.

Worried About Rising Electricity Prices

Want to seize independence from electricity power bills? You have a lot to worry about, do not stress about you power bills, leave that to us!! With the average electricity prices for a household in NSW being $450/Quarter, if the electricity prices remain what they are

Before Installing Your Solar Panel System?Best Investment In 2021

What to Know as a Sydney Homeowner For Your Solar Panel System If you are a Sydney homeowner and want to install a solar system, you might have many questions in you mind regarding what panels and inverters to consider depending on your power bill, should

Best Investment In 2021

Top Home Investments of 2021 Whether you are living in your dream house or own an investment property…There is always room for improvement.Adding renovations and upgrading your property adds value to it.In this blog I will reveal The Best Investments that will increase the value of

Best Quality 6.6 kW Solar System

Key Foundation  The foundation of our company works on the main key by keeping a strong vision in mind that work towards a safe and clean future by enlightening and helping the world save money by utilizing clean affordable energy solutions and assisting our environment at